Reward key employees for building your business
One of the easiest, best and relatively economical incentives to motivate valuable executives and employees is to give them ownership in your company through options to purchase shares of stock. Stock options are great for rewarding employees, contractors and other contributors to your business for their continued support, contributions and long-term commitment. They will feel the ownership, and enjoy the reward of staying the course and helping you to build your business.
Why stock options and not just shares?
If you gave your employees the actual shares now, they would be immediately liable for income tax based upon the value of the shares today. With stock options, you are promising them that they can buy shares in the future, based upon your share price today… since you haven’t actually paid them anything and therefore there would be no tax liability. So, stock options are the way to go.

Everything you get
Stock Option Builder is a software system that manages a collection of sample employee stock options template documents, professionally formatted in Word, that you can easily edit or reformat to your liking. Stock Option Builder also includes a handy spreadsheet template in Excel for managing and tracking your executive and employee stock ownership and options — just fill in the variables and print.
Complete sets of both Incentive/Qualified Options Plan AND Non-Qualified Options Plan documents are included. (Instructions explain the differences and provide step x step direction.)
- Cover Letter to Employees
- Stock Option Agreement
- Stock Option Plan
- Summary of Terms of the Stock Option Plan
- Common Stock Purchase Agreement
- Stock Options Planning & Tracking Worksheet
- Board of Directors’ Approval
Everything to create an employee incentive stock options plan
You can put your complete executive and employee incentive stock options compensation plan in place yourself for a fraction (a very small fraction) of the cost of having it written from scratch. Then have your attorney (please see a specialist) or our affiliated law firm Burk & Reedy review it for completeness.
Click here for some Stock Options Legal FAQs
With a proven stock options plan in place, you can motivate your executives and employees to increase profits, improve efficiency, and enable you to grow. Download Stock Options Builder and get started now.